Light Delay

Staged Reading


​Dr. Triona Fitton works alone in Mission Control to help secure the last minute launch of a colony ship that will take humanity to the stars. On that ship is Lucas, her former fiancé. As the play moves forward, Light Delay tells the story both of humanity’s last chance to spread into the universe and the consequences it has for those left on Earth.

As the characters get farther and farther apart, their communication is interrupted by the delay in light signals between Lucas’s ship and the Earth. In those moments, we see flashbacks working backwards through their relationship from recent breakup to earlier conflicts and the happy moments before. From the seeds of conflict between two people to environmental disaster, Light Delay examines the choices of two people and the world of consequences those decisions create.

Written by Jessica Andrewartha 

Directed by J.R. Yancher

The Cast

Shannon McCoy

Emilie Rappaport

Joy Ding

Alyssa Buchthal