Set In Play



​Set in Play is about some playwrights. There are four of them. They aren't famous, or rich, or anywhere within shouting distance of being considered part of the conversation. Still, two of them remain, for some reason, fanatically dedicated to the art and the craft. A third

playwright was once just as dedicated. Now he mostly goes out drinking with them. They call

themselves the NAHs (Negro, Atheist, Homosexual) and have a drinking game to punctuate the acronym. The fourth is a problem child that crashes their workshop. He too has a story, and the process of finding it sets in play forces that change more than their acronym.

Written by Dan Born

Directed by Danika Sudik

The Cast

Talia Friedenberg

Ryan Gerberding

Naveen Bhat

Josh Hazesghazam

Taylor Church

Shannon McCoy

Salvatore Velasquez  

Jasmine Washington

Jordan Wilson

Elena Battas

Ashleigh Heer